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Floth / European boxwood

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Type:  Classical/Romantical oboe in C
Model:  Johann Friedrich Floth
Area:  Dresden
Period/date:  1807
Range:  c1 – f3
Pitch:  430 Hz
Wood:  pear, European boxwood, wild pear wood

Johann Friedrich Floth, 1760- 1807, Dresden
A replica of an oboe from 1805. Eight-key; keys: c, c#, d#,f, f#, g#, b, octave key.
Floth collaborated with Grundmann for many years and  after Grundmann’s death in 1800 he still made instruments in their workshop until 1807. The sound of  Floth’s eight-key oboe is very similar to the sound of Grundmann’s two-key instruments, which is rather not surprising; although, in my opinion, the sound of Floth’s oboes is a little more round. The additional keys certainly give more possibilities of playing fluently in further keys, although the ‘basic’ chords, that is, those of the two-key instrument, still function excellently on it.
Today, because of the musician’s temptation of taking advantage of the additional keys, Mozart’s music is sometimes played on the copies of Floth’s oboes. However, it was an instrument certainly unfamiliar to Mozart, and  it is definitely more suitable, for example, for playing the music of Beethoven.
